Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Virtual School Thursday, April 23rd

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses.
                                                                           Acts 1:8

Jesus Time-Before reading today’s bible story watch this The Marshmallow Test for Waiting.  Have you had to wait for something before?  How did you you feel while your were waiting? In today’s story the disciples were told to wait for something, like the children in the video had to wait.  See if you can figure out what promise the disciples were told to wait for. Read over p.3 “The Ascension”  in your orange Jesus time Spread the Good News book.  Did you figure out what they were waiting for?  It is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gave the disciples, and gives us, the power to overcome sin, do God’s will, share God’s love, and share the Good News about Jesus.  The Holy Spirit gives to all Christians the most precious gifts:  faith in Christ our Savior, the forgiveness of sins, and eternal life. Do p.4, use the stickers for lesson 66, to put in the boxes.  Look for opportunities to share your faith and mention Jesus with others at home, from the examples on p.4.

Classroom Prayer Requests: Continue to add to our prayer request board. You can add new ones if you’ve already shared some.   Click on the link below , then click on the +, type your name where it says title and add your prayer requests.  We will be able to see and pray for each other each day using this prayer board.
Reading/Writing- Continue gathering your research on your animals/or insect on the following topics:  diet, habitat, body parts and how they work, and interesting facts.  We will use our writer’s notebooks to record our research in(this will be part of the prewriting step in the writing process).  We will be researching everyday this week, so take your time.  Next week we will begin to draft our final copies.  I will show you how to use some of the nonfiction text features in your writing, and other ways to make your report fun to read.  The final copies can be done as a report, a booklet, a poster/ or poster board, a PowerPoint, video presentation, any creative way you come up with to share your information.  You need to use at least two resources for your research.  I will give you some internet sites that can be used for your resources.  You could also use books from home, encyclopedias, or Raz/kids A-Z books.  I will attach your final presentations to our blog so the whole class can see them.

Sites to collect research from: Look over the site and find an animal or insect that interests you.  Search your animal or insect on the site.
Click on the animal link to search different types of insects and animals.

Reading: optional
AR test  Take tests on all the stories we have read together, or someone online has read to you from our virtual learning time.  You should also be reading the library books and classroom books that you took home with you, and taking AR tests on them when you are done.
-Use Raz-Kids A-Z I have assigned you some non-fiction books at your reading level.  You can try to read one a day and answer the questions for the next couple weeks, as we study nonfiction books. Look for non-fiction text features while reading.

Spelling-play a game and take a practice spelling test on list 24 on Instead of doing Spelling City you could do any practice activity we have done this year to practice your words. The test will be tomorrow.

Do the GoNoodle on Seesaw again, to get some wiggles out.☺️

Math Lesson 117 Writing Number Sentences for “Equal-Groups” Story problems.  Watch this Multiplication by 2 song by Jack Hartman.   When done Do the fact homework 117.  Have someone check your work.  Next go to Seesaw and watch lesson 117 and follow along with lesson worksheet 116A from yesterday’s lesson.  Finally, do Guided Class Practice 117A, check your work on Seesaw.

Zoom meeting will be tomorrow at 1:30.  You can share your favorite characters paper, show and tell something, or share a high and low from this week.

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